“Though they be ferocious
monsters they may be,
they know of fate’s fickle whims
Far better than me or ye.”
—Bill shakespeare, probably not-real playwright and ruff aficionado

Felt Cute, Might Delete Later
The Harlowe Monster is an Eldritch Dice Eater, Botcher of Continuity, and critical failure enthusiast. He is a reality bender of sorts, and will fold plot-rails into an ethically challenging though ultimately insubstantial origami.
Contact harlowe for more info.

When my tentacles have you in their grip… oh, you’ll know.
The Jaron Monster is a breed of Insanomancer, a master at enchanting a group of players with a miasma of paranoia. A monster of principal, you can prepare yourself for his characters to be unnecessarily nude for extended periods.
Contact Jaron for more info.

One time I teleported into a monster’s stomach
The Melissa Monster is the most killable of the monsters, and for that we are grateful. You’ve got rules?! Ha! She has transcended your petty boundaries and laws and also she has forgotten her rule book at home.
Contact Melissa for more info.

The Ray Monster can breath both on land and in the water
The Ray Monster is a dangerous foe, striking from the shadows. Remember that movie Misery? Yeah. The Ray Monster has also seen this movie. When she isn’t stealing your children and replacing them with homunculus she is oozing poison into the ears of the poor and needy.
Contact Ray For more info

When an eel has a maw that’s a pharyngeal jaw—that’s a moray
The Sabine Monster is a wily and unpredictable monster. She has spent too much time among the humans and has learned from them, deploying a powerful and offensive spore cloud that stupefies those around her, rendering them easy prey for her hair-brained schemes and booby traps.
Contact Sabine for more info.

They are ready to legitimately survive the apocalypse
The Cam Monster has evolved a specialized airsoft pellet gene that they may spit from a long distance, and also they have a poor understanding of the rules of fiasco. they are responsible for the sinking of the Titanic and for that we thank them to this day.
Contact Cam for more info.

He may be standing behind you right now, you know
The Kyle Monster is a versatile and deceptively horned creature. Using mucus-like secretions he renders himself chameleonic, seamlessly blending into any situation with ease and guile before he steals your mom’s jewelry from the bedside dresser.
Contact Kyle for more info.

She has tricked us so many times that it’s really on us now
The Jayna Monster is of the same spawn ilk as the Jaron monster, though she is far more devious. Using her Siren’s Light lure she lulls her friends into a false sense of comradery, before killing them off herself.
Contact Jayna for more info.

The Matthew Monster In His Natural Habitat
The Matthew Monster is a thirty year veteran of the war on player characters. One time he forced his young child to roll the killing dice against Mel. All look on his works and despair, as He has one of Sauron’s Dice of Power.
do not contact matt