What is TMRD?
Welcome to our Actual-Play Audio Dramedy Podcast! Here we play Table Top RPGs, mostly using Evil Hat’s FateCore system, to tell engaging and fun stories set in worlds of our own design!
Though the audio we record is then edited quite thoroughly after the fact, our pledge to you is that none of this is scripted, the stunts are all real, and the effects are 95% practical. Also, the 5% CGI is mostly just that cool blue lightning effect from the late 80s/early 90s. You know the one.
All Celebrity voices are impersonations, UNTIL Kathy Bates and/or Margo martindale appear on our Podcast; at which point they will be free to do their own voices, respectively.
We care about the craft, not the shock value, nor innovating for the sake of it.
the human elements of why we role play and of why we tell stories in the first place are what compel us to make this podcast. That and some of us want to be internet famous.
But mostly, we’re here to provide thought-provoking and heartfelt stories about humans being human. Also sometimes fighting monsters, though.
Actually… now that I think about this… I’ll get back to you.
Engaging Storytelling
We care about our listeners, and about each other. humans are great and that includes YOU.
Our podcast may deal with many challenging themes that ring true to life, but one thing this podcast will not deal in is Hate for others. Everyone is equally beloved and welcome by us, regardless of their religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other ultimately none-of-our-business qualifiers.
Unless you’re a nazi or a terf.
I promise that it just won’t be worth it for you to even bother with us because we will not welcome you here.
We care about High Quality, digital audio. Trust us, our egos demand that we sound absolutely honey.
With our crack squad of highly trained professionals on the… PFFT HAHAHA sorry, I couldn’t even get through that in writing without cracking up. ha! Could you imagine?!
Anyways, We will always do our best when it comes to high quality audio. It matters more than you might realize, but like, we realize how much it matters. But not in a condescending way, in a like ‘You’re in good hands” way.