The Posse
These are the four player characters, controlled by the non-Harlowe Monsters of the menagerie. Together they comprise ‘the posse’. As more details of their personalities, and their pasts, unfold more and more of the pieces fall into place that help us understand our heroes.
Teller Just Crawford
Teller of Justice (Priest/Marshal)
Trimmed gray hair and mustache, weathered in a handsome way with light blue eyes. Often looks stoic like he knows something that others don’t. A very proud man, with a softness in his eyes. He wears well kept and clean white suits, a duster, boots, and cowboy hat. He has a revolver on one hip and a large book in a golden frame on the other.
-Self Righteous, gunslinging Preacherman
-Full-blown Religious zealot
-Teller in the Sect of Morrigan
-Generous with other peoples’ finances
-A Teller of the People
Madame Adelie Dufresne
Brothel Owner
Adelie is curvy and sturdy, with deep blue eyes. She has light brown, large-lock curly hair (Shirley Temple-esque), pulled over her left shoulder. She is very confident and stands up straight, shoulders back. Perfect posture.
-Wheelin’ and Dealin’ Madame of the Night
-Afraid of Violence
-Silver-tongued Enchantress
-I’m in charge here
-Owner of the Uncanniest Valley
Chanterelle Burdock
Tracker and Hunter
Chanterelle Burdock is a tall, outdoorsy-looking half ima elf, tan with long tangled brown hair pulled into a low ponytail, noticeably pointed ears, and a permanent touch of sunburn across her freckled cheeks and nose. Noticeable particularly in the dark are her catlike eyes, a dark yellow with vertical pupils that faintly glow— a common physical trait of the ima people.
-Rugged, Resourceful, Regretful Ranger
-Can’t help but rebel
-Not into killing people
-My pets are my family
-Deep DEEP in the pockets of the P.T.C.
-Attracted to powerful women
Riccoban Talon
Bounty Hunter
Riccoban has medium length unkempt black hair, with a little silver showing at his temples and in his stubble. He looks weathered, as he is often on the trail. He has sharp features, tan skin and a thin athletic frame. His posture and stance is of a man that has seen much and takes very little nonsense.
-Feared and Famous Bounty Hunter
-Something Ain’t Right Back Home
-”If I shoot, I bullseye.”
-Stuck in the Past
-Little Left Worth Fighting For
-Can’t Help but fight with a code

The Townsfolk
The folks of the town of Uncanny Valley are a motley crew that come from all over the world. Whether they came here because nothing was left for them to suffer back home, or because there was nothing left to conquer.
Raya Palmer
Bounty Hunter/Bodyguard
A somber, quiet, imposing gunslinger who has made her name, with her now-deceased partner Red, as a bounty hunter on Khan. She wears simple travelling clothes — jeans, work shirt, bandana, and a long brown duster. She is typically armed to the teeth, with ammo belts and bandoliers criss-crossed underneath layers of holsters and sheathes.
-Nihilistic gun-for-hire
-Does whatever it takes to win
-Will always remember Red
Rinaldo Cetchatori, “Mr. C”
Owner of Glistening Clam Saloon
Mr. Catchatori is a large, loud, and proud Vionnese man who owns the Glistening Clam, the largest and most prominent saloon along the Rhilebank. He is one of the earliest settlers of the valley, and though he does not hold any political seat he considers himself an important voice in the community.
The Teller has also recently begun to understand that this man may not be who, or what, he claims…
-Rough yet refined saloon owner
-Thinks he is important in town
-Built like a brick shithouse
-Knows the value of humor
-A bit of a gossip
-(Teller only) Hiding a secret
Brothel Manager
Adelie Dufresne's assistant, manager, and lifelong friend, she is far more capable than her pampered and delicate exterior may suggest. She works as business manager at the Uncanniest Valley, acting as Adelie's right-hand all the times. She is independent, sassy, and defiant--yet unswervingly loyal to Adelie, due to over a decade of history working together.
-Beautiful and Capable brothel manager
-Every Rose has its thorn
-Always got something to say
-At Adelie’s back forever
-”It’s us against them”
“Judge” Brndr Gl’roi
Hanging Judge of the Valley
A hanging judge if there ever was one. This trail-hardened dwarven veteran sits as acting law officer of the Uncanny Valley, appointed by the Palmyra Trade Company. Where the Mayor deliberates, the Judge's justice is swift and brutal.
There are very few jail cells in his office, as most of the punishments are doled out on the spot of the arrest, with Brndr acting as judge, jury, and executioner. Though she acts as a hammer, she does not seem to take joy from it.
-Dwarven dispenser of iron-fisted justice
-Unflinchingly Brutal
-Quick to Anger, but Not Dumb
-Weakness for Dwarven Cuisine
-”This Teller Practices What he Preaches”
Eleanor Mackie, “Mama Pajama”
Brothel Owner
Eleanor Rosanna Mackie, or more commonly known as her Madame persona of 'Mama Pajama', has been in the Uncanny Valley for near a decade. Her brothel was the first established, and as such is still the largest and 'primary' brothel of the town, though there are many others. She is fierce and uncooth, often speaking quite profanely--but knows the place for manners, too. Or at least for sycophantic brown-nosing. Her brothel, Mama Pajama's, is in direct competition with The Uncanniest Valley.
-Foul-mouthed, self-made Madame
-Large and in charge
-Open distaste for Dufresne
Dr. Octavius Abundiantus Orlando, “The Commodore”
Town Doctor
The one, the only, the world's most interesting man--Dr. Octavius Abundiantus Orlando, or more commonly known as "The Commodore". This man has seen it all. He was an admiral in the Vega Royal Navy before traveling the world as a doctor-for-hire. He settled in the Valley almost a decade ago, entranced by its riches, wonder, and the constant influx of people getting hurt doing crazy ass old west jobs.
He seems to have traveled a large portion of the world, and is happy to tell you about it. If slide projectors existed then this dude would constantly be trying to get people over for dinner.
-World’s Most Interesting Man
-Retired Admiral, Surgeon, Chemist, and more
-Well over the Hill
-Reeks of old money
“The Porter”
Railway Porter
This kindly old man predates most people's arrival to the isle. He works at the Uncanny Valley Express Station in town, maintaining the schedules and helping those new to town. He seems to know most of what goes on around the island, and all of what goes on in the town of Uncanny Valley.
For many of the people in the valley, The Porter was one of the first people they met here, and still find his calm demeanor something akin to grandfatherly.
-Kindly unofficial Elder of town
-Set in his Ways
-Local Guru on Everything
-Seems to know a lot of whats going on
Dassodil Connyers
This fashion-savvy Ellisien elf is friendly, a bit of a gossip, and loves to rub elbows with the social elite of the Valley. He is a tailor by trade and his shop, the Gilded Skein, is quite exclusive--only tailoring (get it?!) to a certain clientele. He tends to be a bit of a pushover.
His skin is lilac, with sleek long ears that tuck back through his shiny black hair. He is young and handsome, but always looks a bit anxious.
-Vain but not unkind Ellisien Elf
-One hell of an experimental tailor
-A bit of a gossip
Ignacious Keller-Beal
Administrator and Mayor
This Myridian Elf is the sole administrator for the P.T.C.s efforts on the entire island. He is seldom seen fraternizing with the locals, and when he does it is either at the Uncanniest Valley, or among the Upperest of Crusts. He is known for his expensive and refined tastes. He is technically the mayor, though can never be found in the courthouse. He lives in Three Family Way and rarely leaves his estate.
-Aloof Elven Appointee
-Too hands-off
-Heirloom Blade, “Rhyonadon”
Colonel Sinapis
Captain Sterns
Military Commanders
Col. Sinapis and his nephew, Cpt. Sterns, are the appointed commanders of the Royal Vega Army that is stationed outside of Port-Au-Maine. They are tacky and self-important, though whether they will prove to be allies or enemies has to fully reveal itself.
-High Ranking RVA Officers
-Old Blood, New Worlds
-”You will follow my orders!” (Sterns)
-Cares more about his career than victory (Col. Sinapis)